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Haudecoeur offers more than 20 varieties of rice with packaging going from 500g to 25kg : jasmine rice, basmati rice, broken rice, parboiled rice, round rice, etc.
Jasmine rice LOTUS
The Lotus rice owes its taste to its land of origin. It is harvest in the North-East of Thailand, this guaranties the Hom Mali’s best quality. The Lotus Rice has been elected world’s best jasmine rice during the International Conference of Rice in 2010.
Origin : Thailand
Packaging : 1, 5, 10 and 25kg
Jasmine broken rice DRAGON Thaïland
The broken rice is a fragment of calibrated rice. It is obtained during the rice’s milling. Depending on its size, it is broken one, two or three times.
We rigorously choose our broken rice in order to ensure a homogeneous product.
Each size of broken rice allows different use and recipe.
- Broken rice A1 extra super from Thaïland (broken one time). Packaging : 1, 5 and 20kg.
- Broken rice A1 super from Thaïland N°1(broken two times). Packaging : 1, 5 and 20kg.
- Broken rice from Thaïland (broken three times). Packaging : 20kg.
Jasmine rice PERLE D’ASIE Cambodia
We offer 3 different qualities of jasmine rice from Cambodia :
- PERLE D’ASIE orange : long rice with a quality close to the Jasmine Rice from Thailand. We re-manufacture it in order to ensure the best quality. Packaging: 5 and 20 kg
- PERLE D’ASIE purple : a quality specially adapted to a rice cooker. Packaging: 5 and 20kg
- PERLE D’ASIE blue : an attractive price for a quality jasmine rice. Packaging: 1, 5 and 20kg.
The Thailand’s jasmine rice has a strong aroma. During harvest time, we offer rice from the previous and the new crop for a few months.
Origin : Thailand.
Packaging : 5 and 20kg.
Broken jasmine rice PERLE D’ASIE from Cambodia
The broken rice is a fragment of calibrated rice. It is obtained during the rice’s milling. Depending on its size, it is broken one, two or three times. We rigorously choose our broken rice in order to ensure a homogeneous product.
Each size of broken rice allows different use and recipe.
- Broken jasmine rice extra super (broken one time)
- Broken rice super N°1 (broken two times)
Packaging: 5 and 20kg.
Basmati rice ELEPHANT
In 1982, Haudecoeur was the first French manufacturer to import basmati rice in France.
The Basmati rice comes from traditional cultures located in the North of India and Pakistan. It owes its savory to the Himalaya’s waters. Indians qualify it as the “King of Rice”. In Indi, its name means “the perfumed”.
Origin : India/Pakistan
Packaging: 1, 5 and 20kg.
TILDA rice
- BASMATI Rice TILDA : Called the “Prince of Rice”, this pure Basmati rice comes from the foothills of the Himalaya where grains are selected by Tilda’s experts for their purity. The Basmati, with its soft texture, its aroma and its exquisite savory, harmoniously goes along with all your meals. Packaging : 1, 2, 5 and 20kg
- JASMINE rice TILDA : Naturally perfumed and known as “Thaï Jasmine”, its cooking requires less water and is faster than other rice. Packaging : 1, 5 and 10kg
- BROKEN Basmati rice TILDA : Tilda Broken Basmati Rice is particularly appreciated by South Indian consumers. They are widely used for culinary preparations such as Idli or Dosai. Packaging: 20kg
Parboiled Rice is one of the most consumed rice in France, indeed it allows to preserve firm and detached grains after cooking. Packaging: 1, 5 and 25kg. We also offer a mix of parboiled rice and wild rice. Packaging: 5kg
We can realize any type of rice, cereals and vegetables mix.
WHITE rice
- Round rice : Round rice is a tender rice which, with its generous taste and melting texture, is perfect for deserts. Packaging: 1, 5 and 25 kg.
- Sushi rice Japonica : Sushi rice Japonica is a tender rice which, once cooked, sticks in order to be eaten with chopsticks. It allows you to prepare authentic sushis and makis in the pure Japanese tradition. Packaging: 1 and 10kg.
- Arborio’s rice for Risotto : Arborio rice is Italian. It is cultivated in the lands of Pô, in Lombardy. Its characteristics are to stay firm during the cooking and to absorb the flavor of foods it is cooked with. This makes it an essential ingredient in the preparation of Risotto and paella. Packaging: 1kg.
- Indica white rice : The Indica white rice is cultivated in the whole world. It responds to any consumers’ expectations. Packaging: 5 and 20kg.
- Surinam rice : Surinam rice owes its fame to the length and thinness of its grain. Imported from South America, it is appreciated by experts. Packaging: 1, 5 and 25kg.
- Cargo rice : also called brown rice, cargo rice is a husked and beige rice, obtained from the paddy rice after taking out its external envelop. Packaging 1 and 25kg.
- Paddy rice : rice as we harvest it, unhusked from its envelop. Usually, 1 kg of paddy rice makes 750 g of cargo rice and 600 g of white rice. It can’t be eaten as it is, except by some animals. Packaging : 25kg.
- Red Rice : cultivated in Camargue, Italy and Thailand. This variety of rice is naturally red. It can be commercialized either alone or in a mix. Packaging: 1 and 25kg.
- Wild Rice USA : grass with black and lengthened grains. It belongs to the Zizania species, improperly called rice. It comes from the Great Lakes region in North America. It is usually mixed with other rice. Its cooking time is 20 minutes. Packaging : 1, 5 and 25kg.
- Black rice : also called “forbidden rice” since it was dedicated to the Emperor of China. Its use were forbidden to his subjects. Its cooking time is 20 – 25 minutes. Packaging: 1 and 25kg.