- Whole blanched almonds : unshelled almonds, or peeled almonds. Often used in salted preparations (tagine, couscous), it can also be consumed as it is as a snack.
- Natural shelled almonds : fruit from the almond tree covered with a light brown skin. Can be consumed as an appetizer or as a topping in salted meals (tagine, couscous, etc.)
- Blanched diced almonds : diced almonds or crushed almonds are used in several oriental recipes, both sweet (pastries) and salted (pastilla).
- Blanched Sliced Almonds : peeled almonds cut in thin slices. They are used as a topping in salted preparations (fish, chicken, couscous, tagine). Also used in pastries or as a decoration for some meals.
- Almond powder
- Roasted and salted almonds
Most of our almonds are in 250g, 400g, 800g and 1kg. Do not hesitate to contact us to know the whole range.